But.. there is some great great news for me. I FINALLY got a new computer. It's mine mine mine and I LOVE it!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
busy, busy, busy
I have been so busy with my daughter and just life in general that I haven't had much time to post here.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
i am reading..

I don't know if it's totally for me, but there are some good points made within it. For instance.. "Being happy means making peace with your life, and not blaming your spouse for your losses. The harder you try to hold on to who you were before you had kids, the harder it is on the relationship."
And although it came first, I am looking forward to also reading I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
more on mother's day
If you want to know more about why my mother's day was the "worst mother's day ever"- I will elaborate only a little.
I got a card "from" my daughter and a framed picture of her. I tried to explain to my husband how much this first mother's day meant to me and how much I had been looking forward to it (and maybe a little show of appreciation for all I do and all I went through to bring said daughter into the world). The response I got made me more sad. So..
I took my daughter to the park and we watched the ducks for a little while, but it was a little too windy and we left. The woman at the drive thru at the bagel place (where I got my breakfast from) was the only person that day to wish me a happy mother's day.
However, my parents sent me a card. And there cards from my grandmother and sister (and her family) waiting for me at the post office on Monday.. and that was nice.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
more love for people
On my way home on Friday, a woman in a dark green car cut me off. I was going straight through a green light; when I got to the middle of the intersection.. this woman suddenly decided she was going to go left in front of me. I slammed on my brakes and the car behind me almost hit me. The woman in the dark green car flipped me off as she sped on her way. So.. ya, that's a new one.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
i don't understand..
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday at Target: I am a sucker for a red sticker

- Lysol disinfectant spray 19oz. was $4.64, marked down to $3.94. Used $2 off coupon.
- 2 SoBe life waters. was $1.27, on sale for $1 each. Used BOGO free coupon.
- box of 20 gallon size resealable bags. was $1.12, marked down to $0.95
- package of 2 Rubbermaid 'easy find lids' 1.25 cup containers. was $3.39, marked down to $2.37. Used $1 off coupon
- 2 Huggies natural care wipes, 72 ct each. $2.39 each. Used 2 $0.75 off coupons.
Total: $8.92
Thursday, May 7, 2009
can you tell?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
no artic mocha today?
Last week I went to Cosi for lunch. I looked at the menu for a minute on the way in- but why? I always order the same thing. A woman in the back called hello to me- they are so friendly there.
I decided to try a raspberry mojito lemonade and I went up to the register to order. "No arctic mocha today?" she asked. She completely caught me off guard and I was a little embarrassed. Do I go to Cosi that often?? I laughed a little and said "naw".
Saturday, May 2, 2009
cvs this week: day 3

- 4 2-liter bottles of Sierra Mist....on sale 2/$3.00 (2 BOGO coupons)
- 2 All small & mighty 3x 32 loads(?).... BO(@7.49)GO(free) (2 $1.00 off coupons)
- 4 2packs of batteries (2 C + 2 D).... on sale for $2.99ea ($1.00 off x 4)
USED: $2.01 giftcard
I also had a $5 off $25 and I think I accidently gave her a $2 cvs coupon for stuff I didn't even buy. Somehow my coupons totaled $21? The cashier was on the phone, so.. I think maybe she was overriding things and perhaps not 100% paying attention to what she was doing. And I..
PAID: $2.64
Friday, May 1, 2009
here's some hand sanitizer in your eye!
My daughter would not take a nap and was doing "backflips" and "somersaults" in her crib, so I figured she must need her diaper changed. I checked. Yup, she pooped.
I took off the dirty diaper and cleaned her up. Then, before I put the new one on I went to get a little sanitizer for my hands. There must have been a little dried up on the spout because it shot a stream straight towards my eye.
I stood there for a second with my right eye closed. Nothing. Thank God I shut my eye in time, I thought to myself. Wait. No. OMG that hurts! I half keeled over on a nearby chair. That lasted about 5 seconds.. then I ran to the bathroom.
I washed my eye out until I was finally able to open it. I went back to my daughter (who was in her crib this whole time.. don't worry) she was having a fantastic time in her crib playing with the new diaper that hadn't been put on her yet. She was also having a great time rolling around in all the pee she had let go while I was washing my eye out. SO much pee in fact that it ran off the crib mattress and onto the floor!
TGIF no?
cvs this week: day 2
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