Yup, that is exactly where we have been for the last few weeks. Daughter is into one that sounds like a combo of "da" and "tha".. very cute.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I get emails from BabyCenter each week about where Daughter is in development, etc. I got one recently that said "At this age, about half of babies babble, repeating one syllable — such as ba, ma, ga, or other consonant-vowel combinations — over and over. "
Monday, March 30, 2009
i won!
Ahh! I am SO excited.. I actually won something on the Ulimate Blog Party run by 5 Minutes For Mom.
It would have been really amazing to get my hands on that fancy mixer (even though I bet I wouldn't ever use it- not a baker). I won the most selfish of prizes from what I selected as things I wanted- gift card to Old Navy.
Actually, I used to shop there a lot for myself, but the last 6-8 months has pretty much been 100% for Daughter. Oh well.. maybe she'll let me get one thing for myself. : )
Sunday, March 29, 2009
coupon contest

I've gotten to try a bunch of things through the bzzagent program and this is just another example of a great one- The Fragrance Collection by Glade (reed diffusers and soy based candles). I received a large 10 oz candle- Currants & Acai.. which smells really nice, a little like cranberries.
Scents include:
Currants & Acai- tartness of red currants combined with tanginess of the acai berry
Sheer White Cotton- blend of floral, fruity and woody notes, including freesia and lime.
Lotus Bamboo- lotus with a touch of citrus gives way to a creamy and rich bamboo base
McIntosh Apple- crisp scent of fresh picked apples, crisp and juicy, yet slightly tart.
Earthly Awakening- blend of nature-inspired fragrances for a mellow and soothing scent
Orange Vanilla- blend of fresh oranges with a rich, creamy vanilla
(the currants & acai and earthly awakening are my favorites so far)
Anyway.. Since I have so many coupons (and I don't need THAT many candles) I'm going to share. I will pick two people, at random, to each receive 2 of the $3.00 off coupons. All you have to do is comment on this entry- tell me what scent you think you might use the coupons on, what you will do with it (for yourself, someone else, give as gift, etc), and if you want to try the candle or diffuser.
AND I also found out that Walgreens has a $2 off coupon on these candles in the coupon booklet available in their stores that is coming out tomorrow. They normally sell the small candles for $5.99.. with both coupons that comes out to only 99 cents a candle!
Comment by the end of the day on April 4.. and I'll pick the winners on Sunday.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
something I learned on Tuesday
The front brakes on Daughter's stroller do NOT work.
How did I come to learn this you are wondering? Well..
Daughter and I went to the mall, since we hadn't been in several weeks and it can be a decent place to walk around, while protected from the "elements", for awhile. I got Daughter's stroller out, set it up next to the car, pushed down one of the front brakes, and crawled into the back of the car to get Daughter out of her seat. I crawled back out of the car holding Daughter only to discover that the stroller was not right next to me anymore. Where was the stroller? Taking off across the parking lot along with much gusting wind. Thank God the stroller was empty (no bag or child inside) and I was already holding Daughter. I started to run after it, but stopped about half way to it as it was about to run, full speed, into a car that was backing up.
"Oh shit!" is I think what probably came out of my mouth. Then, I don't know why, but about a foot away from the car the stroller came to a dead stop. The car drove away (ya, thanks for the help), I finished my crazy run across the parking lot, retrieved the stroller, and headed back to the car. Obviously somewhat embarrassing, but also pretty funny.
Friday, March 27, 2009
more gabba
Yeah.. more Yo Gabba Gabba coming my way! Uh, I mean more YGG coming Daughter's way. Although.. we haven't even seen the new episodes from this year yet. : (
Thursday, March 26, 2009
frappuccinos at starbucks
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I love dunkin donuts. oh wait..
I love Dunkin Donuts. Oh wait.. no I don't. I hadn't really eaten anything yet- I was with Daughter and I knew she wasn't going to let me actually make anything when we got back to the house, so I decided to stop for a very unhealthy bagel sandwich.
Wait wait wait at drive up.
- Would you like to try blah blah blah?
- (ignoring whatever she said) Do you have any onion bagels?
- fsdfloiiusndm onion bagels.
- (sounds like yes?) Can I get an egg and cheese on an onion bagel?
- Blah blah go to the window.
At window. Wait wait.
- What kind of bagel did you want?
- Onion?
- (long pause) With just plain cream cheese?
- No. Egg and cheese.
Different girl comes back to the window.
- We don't have any onion bagels.
- (You liar!!) Okay, just plain then.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
newest songs
new songs.
Social Distortion- Story of my Life
I already have this, but I couldn't find the mp3 when I looked- and the CD is probably lost forever in the 8 million boxes in the garage.
Loudon Wainwright III- Daughter
Playing during the credits of Knocked Up which I caught the end of the other day. I really didn't like that movie, but the song was nice.
The All-American Rejects- Gives You Hell
Keeps getting stuck in my head from the few times I've heard it on the radio.. so I just finally gave in and bought it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
me = worst
I guess I am pretty much the worse sister inlaw ever. I've never bought my brother/sister inlaws anything for their birthdays or christmas.. Husband does that.. and then it's from "us".
So.. I tried to change that this year. First birthday of a sibling inlaw came around and I went to 6 different book stores looking for a present. (Do you know how not easy it is to drag a sleepy/grumpy baby in and out of the car all day?) I had a general idea of what I wanted, but ended up with a great big nothing. There was one book(Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field) I almost bought, twice. I thought it might be a good book for him to have in his "library", but it was way more text filled and way less visual a book than I had wanted to find and therefore not a good birthday present.
If he and I had a better relationship, or any relationship at all I guess, I could have explained how helpful it might be for him to read/look at the potential book.. but I don't know how I could have explained it (given our current state) without sounding foolish.

If he and I had a better relationship, or any relationship at all I guess, I could have explained how helpful it might be for him to read/look at the potential book.. but I don't know how I could have explained it (given our current state) without sounding foolish.
And I didn't even wish this BrotherInLaw a happy birthday. Ya, I know! (again.. me=worst) I didn't go out of my way to see him on the actual day. I was busy not buying him a present, taking care of daughter, blah blah blah. And then he was with his friends so I didn't want to be stupid sister inlaw butting in all of sudden. And I kind of wanted to tell him in person rather than just sending a text or email.. only saying "happy birthday". And then he'd reply "thanks".. and that would be the end of it.
So with all my good intentions he has no idea about.. basically I just look like a jerk. Oh well, he probably didn't even notice and/or care. Maybe a week from now, when I run into him, I can say "happy birthday", he will look at me like I'm an idiot, say "thanks", and I will walk away feeling like an even bigger jerk. It will be great.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
car seat search part two is ON
Daughter is on the verge of outgrowing the height limit of her carseat. I have mixed feelings about this.

Mostly I am excited I guess- I'm getting really tired of hauling her around in that infant carrier. BUT one of the things I like about her infant car seat is that it fits in her stroller and it faces me so I can babble to her when we're walking around. Outgrowing the infant carseat means no more facing mommy when in the stroller.

So next up is the convertible carseat I guess. And while I am not looking forward to paying (up to) another couple of hundred dollars on one, I guess the convertible one will be with her for a few years and not 5 or 6 months like the one we have now (I wish I knew more about this stuff when we bought the first one). I don't have too much info on the safety and crash info, but the first one I saw online was one from Britax in cowmooflage. Cute, huh?
I suppose "cute" isn't really a good reason to buy something that is designed solely to keep your child safe. BUT when I looked at the Britax models at Target, I saw that they are made in the USA. And then when I found two sentences of (free) info online, the Britax's are apparently on the top of a lot of lists. So now I can say the "cute" is just an added bonus.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
YGG live??
Yo Gabba Gabba live??! --->http://www.babble.com.au/2009/03/20/win-tickets-to-yo-gabba-gabba-live-in-concert/
When are they coming to this country???
I guess it's better that they are not starting in the US, because although it seems like Daughter already really likes this show on tv.. I don't know how much she would appreciate the live version at this very early stage in her life.
How about in 6 months or so? Come to a city near me and we'll be there.
When are they coming to this country???
I guess it's better that they are not starting in the US, because although it seems like Daughter already really likes this show on tv.. I don't know how much she would appreciate the live version at this very early stage in her life.
How about in 6 months or so? Come to a city near me and we'll be there.
Friday, March 20, 2009
it's a blog party
It would be amazing to win #58.. a Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer! But any of the Target gift cards (19, 21, 22, 26, 91) or the Old Navy gift card (118) would be really nice too.
Check it out when you get the chance.. you don't have to be a mom, or even a parent to enter.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
on tuesday
Daughter and I went to Target on Tuesday (surprise).
And even though I left 2 feet of space on the belt between Daughter's diapers and the items of the person in front of me, the cashier still asked the woman if they were hers. She looked at me and Daughter, then back at the cashier and said-"I ain't doing no diapers!"
A) I love the English language
B) could not a simple "no" or "no they are not" have sufficed?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
regarding cats
Anyone that says cats cannot be vindictive has never owned a cat.
I could list many personal examples, but I will spare you.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
when a bad day leads to starbucks
When I go to Starbucks and I'm having a bad day, sometimes I order a grande mocha frappuccino. It's like drinking coffee and eating a big bar of chocolate- and sometimes that can make you feel better.
Friday, March 13, 2009
favorite places to eat
I think this is my current top ten restaurants in no particular order..
- Tokyo (sushi!)
- Hard Rock Cafe (I have only been there once, they have a yum version of mac and cheese)
- Cosi (the TBM melt is the only sandwich I've ordered, but I've ordered it many many times)
- Red Robin
- Au Bon Pain (mozzarella with mayo and lettuce on baguette)
- The Melting Pot
- Not Your Average Joe's (I recommend the sauteed green beans)
- Outback (best garden salad and baked potato with butter)
- Fire & Ice
- Colombo's (their mediterranean salad is excellent)
- Hard Rock Cafe (I have only been there once, they have a yum version of mac and cheese)
- Cosi (the TBM melt is the only sandwich I've ordered, but I've ordered it many many times)
- Red Robin
- Au Bon Pain (mozzarella with mayo and lettuce on baguette)
- The Melting Pot
- Not Your Average Joe's (I recommend the sauteed green beans)
- Outback (best garden salad and baked potato with butter)
- Fire & Ice
- Colombo's (their mediterranean salad is excellent)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
the binky daughter
Daughter used to have so many binkies, but the green ones were always her favorite. Husband first gave her one when we were still in the hospital and it's been a binky, binky world ever since.
But this week I've noticed we were down to two green binkies.. and then only one. I explained to daughter not to throw the last remaining precious green binky on the floor because then it would be a "dirty binky". How is it your child has the ability to melt you brain and make you instantly sound like a dope to all non-parents to said child?
Anyway, this afternoon I watched daughter take the last green binky out of her mouth, throw it through the bars of her crib (hitting the floor), and then start screaming hysterically. I rushed over to her to say "ya, I saw that!" She stopped crying instantly, having forgotten that most of the time "mommy sees all".
Well I couldn't very well leave the poor kid without any binkies at all, so I moved everything out from under her crib and slithered under it on my binky recovery mission.
And I am happy to report that the mission was extra successful. I recovered not one, but TWO green binkies! The daughter was pleased.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
songs from itunes
The last two songs I bought from itunes were..
1. "Happy Birthday" by The Ting Tings
2. "Here it Goes Again" by Ok Go
The first one is cute and catchy, and when listening to the second one, all I can think of is "dancing" on treadmills.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
spring fling!
woah, how cool is this? The Secret Is In The Sauce has 307 (at last count) links to blogs that are giving stuff away today. And all you have to do is comment on the the contest offerer's blog.
Go here: http://www.thesitsgirls.com/2009/03/spring-fling.html
last tuesday
Last Tuesday, a BrotherInLaw walked around the corner of the garage into the darkness. He came back into the house 20 minutes later. Within the hour cops, fire truck, and ambulance arrived and he was taken away.
I'm still not really sure what happened. (But he did come back)
Monday, March 9, 2009
a brief history of my skull candy desires

There were some funny moments on Ghost Hunters between two of the investigators while they reviewed some of their ghost hunting footage- regarding one guy's red skull candy headphones that the other one kept calling pink.
Shortly after that, I saw a kid walking around the grocery store wearing the same red skull candy headphones. I almost wanted to make a comment to him regarding them and the previously mentioned funniness on GH, but I kept it to myself.
Around the same time, I realized one BrotherInLaw of mine also had a pair, I don't think they were the red ones, but I can't recall what other color they were.. black or silver maybe.
So I kind of wanted some. I think the design of them is cool and they are supposed to be pretty good quality as well. I started to find the bigger, bulkier design of them a nice change from the direction of the smaller ipod (+ etc) versions that seem to be so popular now (don't get me wrong though, I LOVE my ipod).

Anyway.. the biggest DJ type ones were the most appealing, but let's me honest they probably weigh 10 pounds and I can't see myself sitting around the house wearing those.. nevermind the $$$ price tag. The Lowriders are nice enough for me.. the price is not going to cause any piggybank breaking and they come in so many colors now. The blue family of colors are my favorite I think- I've got a little bit of money left from a tax return so maybe there really will be some skull candy in my not too distant future!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
no ting tings for mom

Initially I was really excited. I became the opposite of excited when I realized me being there was not going to happen- was I seriously going to bring daughter to a "concert" at Newbury Comics? Even if I somehow convinced myself it was okay for daughter to be there, parking would be an impossible nightmare. This would lead to thoughts of the T, which is an idea that would never get past husband.
Maybe if it were earlier in the day, at a location with a parking lot, or later in the day when husband could take care of daughter.. But, none of those things are the case.. oh well. That's life as mom I guess.. you miss out on the Ting Tings when they come to town.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
new yo gabba gabba?
I keep reading that there are new episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba. Tony Hawk even Twittered that he was watching them with his kids!
But, where are they?! I have my DVR set up to tape all YGG episodes (for daughter I mean, not me - ya right) and I haven't seen any new ones on it yet. Hmm.. I wonder what's going on. Does Tony just have a special DVR that can tape into the future?
UPDATE: I adjusted the DVR to tape YGG on all channels, not just the one.. maybe that was the problem.. we'll see.
Friday, March 6, 2009
I watched 21 earlier this week. I had been wanting to see it for awhile, but never got around to it. It was good.. I enjoyed it.
On Tuesday I watched I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK. It was a Korean movie with subtitles. I watched it based on reading that it was "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest South Korean style(and with much more laughs)." An "imaginative comedy-romance, set in a mental institution" depicting a "loopy love story of a kleptomaniac who falls for a delusional woman." It was weird, but better than the "review" and I enjoyed it. I think one of the patients used to be on Margaret Cho mid 90s show All American Girl. I told a BrotherInLaw that I thought he would like it, his response seemed to indicate he didn't care what I had to say.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
jimmy fallon
I never ever liked the news portion of Saturday Night Live until Jimmy Fallon started hosting it with Tina Fey. He was definitely my favorite cast member ever, except maybe for Tina Fey.
SO you can imagine how excited I was when I learned he was to take over hosting Late Night. And then you can imagine how much I was looking forward to his first show on Monday. I DVRd it and watched it on Tuesday afternoon.
What did I think? I was disappointed. Watching most of it was really, really uncomfortable. You know what I mean? I wanted to fast forward because it was so uncomfortable to watch. I really liked the intro theme song, the set was so-so, the monologue didn't seem to go that well, the licking game was ridiculous, the "interview" and skit with Robert DeNiro were both awful, Justin Timberlake picked things up a bit (the two seemed to have a good repertoire), and the Van Morrison performance didn't change my opinion of anything else that had happened.
I don't remember much of Conan's start except that he had Andy, but I assume he wasn't as great as he was in the end.. so all I can do is hope that with time Jimmy will improve.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
gold diggers
I don't normally watch Oprah, but I caught a few minutes of it on Friday. Steve Harvey was on giving some dating advice. I had to laugh out loud when he said (regarding men)"We created the term 'gold digger' so you won't ask us for nothing." I don't know, it just struck me as funny for some reason.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
the power of (un)observation
I had six inches of length cut off my hair on Sunday (8 days ago). . my husband still hasn't seemed to have noticed.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
chocolate fortune cookies

I had only planned to eat one, then I was only going to eat two, and then I ate three. But I couldn't help it, they were really really good.. and I ate all six. Maybe I will order more. I think the best deal is the 9oz box for $12.99.
Some of my fortunes: "Like Chocolate, the love in your life will always make you feel good", "You and a loved one will soon develop a new interest", and "Your love will overcome the test of time".
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